

What is Conversion and how is it measured?

What is Conversion and how is it measured?

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Conversion is one of the most important terms in internet marketing. For many entrepreneurs, both those just starting their business adventure and those with longer experience, this concept is often a source of many questions. In this article, we explain what conversion is, how it can be measured and what actions you can take to increase it.

Conversion Definition

Conversion is a key process in digital marketing that occurs when a user takes an action in line with the goal of a marketing campaign. This may be purchasing a product, subscribing to a newsletter, filling out a contact form or clicking on an advertised link. Conversion is the moment when a potential customer becomes an actual buyer.

Conversion Measurement Tools

Conversion measurement is essential to assess the effectiveness of marketing activities. The most popular tools include:

  • Google Analytics: Allows for detailed analysis of website traffic and measurement of conversions in various dimensions.
  • Conversion Tracking Code: Enables monitoring of user activities and analysis of campaign effectiveness.
  • A/B testing: They allow you to compare two versions of a page or its elements in order to select the one with better conversion.

Conversion Optimization Methods

To increase conversion, it is worth:

  • Invest in the attractiveness and usability of your website.
  • Adapt marketing content to the target group.
  • Use various communication channels.
  • Monitor results and make adjustments based on data analysis.

Conversion Rate (CR)

Conversion rate (CR) is a percentage of the number of conversions compared to the total number of visits. It is calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of visits and multiplying by 100.

Conversion and User Experience (UX)

UX has a direct impact on conversion. Intuitiveness, loading speed and visual attractiveness of a website or application are crucial for a positive user experience and the tendency to convert.

Conversion Rate Summary

Understanding conversion and being able to measure it are the foundations of an effective marketing strategy. This allows you to optimize your activities and achieve better business results.